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Rugs.Online - Rugaustralia is a rugs online company focused on all area floor rugs, from hand knotted, hand tufted, handmade to machine made.

Rugaustralia is a rugs online company focused on all area floor rugs, from hand knotted, hand tufted, handmade to machine made.

We delivery Australia wide, including Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, etc. At Rugaustralia, we wish to provide you with the best shoping experience, and would love to hear back from you for your valuable feedback. Thank you for your patronage and keeping your trust in us.

We are a floor rug importing and selling company based in Melbourne, Victoria. We specialize in selling high quality and beautiful floor rugs to our clients.

Our boss has been in this industry for more than 20 years. He has acquired the knowledge and experience that is required to run this business, paying special attention to the needs of our clients. With his help and guidance, our company selects the best quality rugs in trend designs from manufacturers across the world to ensure that we sell the best value to our clients.

Official website:https://www.rugaustralia.com.au/