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WoodenDummyForm - Wing Chun is one of the Chinese Nanquan boxing, early popular in Guangdong and around Fujian. From the beginning of this boxing in Fujian County of Yongchun, created for the county Yan three Niang, the name of a place named "Wing Chun fist".

Wing Chun is one of the Chinese Nanquan boxing, early popular in Guangdong and around Fujian. From the beginning of this boxing in Fujian County of Yongchun, created for the county Yan three Niang, the name of a place named "Wing Chun fist". If you imagine Bruce Lee, then learning Wing Chun! Learn to do not have to be afraid of people can bully you! Buy a stake can also practice their own home.

Wing Chun gear generally spins around weapons and wooden dummy training. Cutting edge techniques and training devices have been included (focus cushions, substantial pack training, and others) however few instruments approach the Wooden Dummy with regards to joining specialized and physical molding for the trainer.

Wooden Dummy Form Training Click to view more:http://www.wing-chun-dummy.com/wing-chun-wooden-dummy-form-training/

The wooden dummy form differs from heredity to ancestry however comprehensively includes a large portion of the wing chum procedures found in its different forms (the Suit NM Tau, Chum Kio, and Bio Step

Wing Chun in real martial arts fighting theory, began to study to improve the body structure, joint activity and fluid mechanics, from the traditional five elements such as gossip and pictograms divine metaphysics, non scientific nature, approximate interpretation of philosophy. Predecessors and then designed a set of training system by simple static Qigong from the shallower to the deeper, the first set of boxing and a little thought in hand stretching movement began, until the idea of general movement in response to whole body so far. In addition to the real can be used for attack and defense, and the training of mind hand stage, because it is not rigidly exercises natural reaction, repetitive sequence of moves, more easily to practitioners interested. Therefore, Wing Chun Click to view more:http://www.wing-chun-dummy.com/wing-chun-wooden-dummy-form-training/can match at the arena project, general training can also be regarded as a long-term fitness movement [4]. In Hongkong, the Hongkong police academy and the ICAC training camp routine in Wushu training self-defense is dominant, has also joined Wing Chun elements. In addition, part of the aviation industry in the training of flight attendants security content, also joined Wing Chun skills.

f there is a need to be able to contact us:http://www.wing-chun-dummy.com/