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archerytagequipment - Are you an archery game lover? Well, if not, there is no doubt that you are missing out on so much fun. Many people just hear about archery tag games, but some really don’t know what it is or how it is played. Archery tag is a war like a game where participants shoot at each other using a bow and arrows with large foam tips. The estimation criteria of players are done when one is hit by an arrow or if other players catch an arrow shot by them. The players are usually highly protected and wear protective gear to avoid injuries. The following is a description of how to play archery tag equipment.

Are you an archery game lover? Well, if not, there is no doubt that you are missing out on so much fun. Many people just hear about archery tag games, but some really don’t know what it is or how it is played. Archery tag is a war like a game where participants shoot at each other using a bow and arrows with large foam tips. The estimation criteria of players are done when one is hit by an arrow or if other players catch an arrow shot by them. The players are usually highly protected and wear protective gear to avoid injuries. The following is a description of how to play archery tag equipment. Archery Tag Equipment is used for an fantastic new archery sport that can be played indoors or outdoors. Archery Tag is a Archery Game that combines dodge ball, paintball, laser tag, and traditional archery. UK: (+44) 20 8050 1898 US: (001) 417-986-0123 E-mail: sales@archerytagequipment.ca http://www.archerytagequipment.ca/